Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thank You to the Heroes

Don't know who will see this, but I just want to say Thank You to those who are the true heroes.  The truckers, grocers, police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, delivery, those who keep the garbage/electricity/water going, and everyone else out there not mentioned who are just as amazing.  You're out on the front lines.  Thank you for all you do, for all you've done, past and present.

On a slightly different note, while doing the dishes yesterday, late afternoon, I looked out the window and saw two horses pulling an open carriage followed slowly by a police car escort, the couple waving as they passed.  What a funny sight!  A huge smile spread across my face as I ran outside.  Moments later a firetruck came down the street making beeps of sound, and behind the truck were decorated cars following suit.  Teachers were waving, and down the street there were families with kids waving back.

My Mom and I decided to walk around the park, and as we walked there were more families just hanging out, enjoying the nice weather.  As crazy as everything is, there are things that are worth the smile.  There are good people in the World.  Are there crazies? Sure, but overall we're good.  Overall we care.  We're freedom loving people riding the storm, unknown of the wake left behind, but we're strong.  This too shall pass.  We will overcome. 

Keep smiling. :0)

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