Tuesday, November 19, 2019

5 Reasons Why Soarin' Over California is the Best Version

Soarin' Over California is my favorite Disney ride, so maybe I'm starting this blog a little biased.  It's so relaxing. Peaceful and fun at the same time.  The rolling movements. The scents. And seeing the scope of California's beauty is an added bonus.

When Soarin' Around the World came out I was excited, hoping for the best, but was ultimately disappointed by the updated ride.  Would Soarin' Over California become a distant memory, a fragmented remembrance of a favorite experience?  Rides come and go at Disneyland. The parks are ever changing.  I still miss the rocket ride that replaced the People Movers, but it was removed over structural problems and whatnot.  That was such a fun ride! And it was always breaking down, adding exuberance to the ride when it did work.  And I miss the People Movers. There's just no winning.

When it was announced Soarin' Over California was coming back last June for a month I was excited, and sad I'd miss it, but glad that there was a chance it could be brought back in the future.  Then it was expanded to July, when I did get to go, and I rode it at least 4 times. (Soarin' Over California ultimately went through August, turning a one month return into three.  That's just how awesome this ride is.  And all the message boards and comment sections online praised this old favorite while bemoaning the new, making me realize I'm not the only one who loves this classic ride.)

5 Reasons Why Soarin' Over California is the Best Soarin' Ride
  1. Soarin' over California is a celebration of Nature.  Sure, California has many landmarks, and you see the Golden Gate bridge right off the bat, but California has such a vast range of natural wonders.  When the river scene comes on, and it feels like your feet is going to touch the water, it's pure magic.  Throughout the ride you see Oceans, Waterfalls, Mountains, and Deserts. It's all rejuvenating, and it feels like a journey, the sort of things you'd want to soar over.
  2. Authenticity! Soarin' Over California feels authentic. They're real scenes. It feels like you're cutting into true moments. Whereas Soarin' Around the World is such a CGI fest it just feels like an interactive movie.
  3. Subtle transitions that flow from one scene to the next.  Soarin' Over California just cuts between each scene. No fanfare. No gimmicks. This style of transition adds to the flow and gentleness of the ride.  Around the World transitions with dirt being flown up, kite/bird/plane zooming in and swishing across the screen, flashes of light.  I guess they're trying to make the ride more exciting, but I think it disrupts the flow.
  4. Better scents. Around the World does have a nice flower scent, but I'm okay not smelling the grass.  But with Soarin' Over California you have the smell of Pine, the ocean, and the oranges!  I'd love a candle with that orange scent. 
  5. No tall buildings in a majority of scenes.  The only way to experience Soarin' Around the World is in the middle section of seats. The curvature of the screen makes the Eiffel Tower and other tall objects bend if you're on the side. It's awkward.  Because Soarin' Over California is more nature focused, the scenes don't have tall objects that get distorted by the screen, therefore making it a better experience for more riders in the theater.
Don't get me wrong, I still like Soarin' Around the World, but it doesn't spark the same joy Soarin' Over California brings.  In my humble opinion it's just a better experience, one I miss every time I visit California Adventure.  And, come on, for a park called "California Adventure" shouldn't Soarin' Over California be a staple? It's the most California part of the park!  Especially since so much of the park is getting rebranded.  It would have been cool if each Soarin' ride was different, highlighting the areas in which each Soarin' ride was based. Soarin' over France. Soarin' over Japan. Soarin' over Florida.  That would be so neat.  And yet there is a California version that's still very much loved, yet it gets brushed aside.

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