Monday, April 15, 2013

How We See Ourselves

I found this a couple minutes ago on Facebook.  A friend posted it, and having liked the message of past Dove commercials, I was curious about the theme for this new one.  Nothing prepared me for the emotion I felt while watching this short video, because it's true.  I've fallen in these cracks.  I don't have the best image of myself.  And everyday I struggle to feel beautiful, even though others tell me I'm beautiful, I don't feel it myself.  But watching this video and seeing how others struggle with these same feelings opened something up in me.  We are all beautiful.  And now I want to try and see myself the way others see me, and not in the way my mind distorts and manipulates my perception.  Why are we so hard on ourselves?  It's not reality.


  1. I love this! I've spent a good chunk of my teenage years thinking I was ugly. I always seemed to be surrounded by beautiful girls, which always made me feel all the more unattractive. I realized one day, though, that all these pretty girls looked different from each other, and yet all were so lovely. It was a huge awakening, and it changed how I looked at myself. We're all different, and beautiful in our own way. :)
