Saturday, January 1, 2022

My Simple New Years Resolution

Am I the only one looking at the number 2022 and thinking... "Wow that's weird." Like, we're really in the future now. 2019, 2020, 2021 didn't weird me out at all, but 2022 makes me do a double take. It's all those twos. It's gotta be all those twos.

Well, I have a habit of over complicating things. New Years resolutions being one of them, which is why they tend to fail for me.

So here it is, my simple resolution: Live each day better than the last.  Okay, it is a cliché. But what I'm going to focus on at the end of each day is something I did well. Something I improved upon. Something I faced that I kept putting off or being intimidated by. Something new I learned. Something new I tackled. Etcetera.

That's it, really.

Each day I find something to celebrate, even if it's little. Even if it's silly. There will be grand days of accomplishments. There will be days where putting away the laundry will be my huge daily positive. 

No focusing on failures and regrets. I'm not ignoring them, but learning from them. Acknowledge, then move on. Try again.

Oh, and I'm going to learn the Ocarina.

Happy New Years! 

Regardless of what life throws our way this year, may you still find the sublime.


P.S. Not kidding about the Ocarina. I got a book and everything. ;0)