Friday, December 20, 2019

Crossing the Exciting Shibuya Pedestrian Scramble

So... this was all last April, just to give a time frame, and I visited Tokyo with my Mom and brothers.  Long story short, this is the second time I've been to Tokyo, and I had a list of things I'd previously done verses new things to try.  The Shibuya Pedestrian Scramble Crossing, found at Hachiko Square in Shibuya Tokyo, is the sort of thing that pops up on "to do" tourist lists.

It's a pedestrian crossing!  What's the big deal?!  Well, it's one of the most famous pedestrian crossings in the world, and on the weekend hundreds or so cross each light turn.  All the lights turn red, and you can walk any way you wish, cross or straight across when it's the pedestrians turn to go.  Everybody at once.  It's hard to describe what it's like.  I did it with Michael and Krista in 2015 and had a grand time.  So I wanted to take my Mom, Steven, and Ty.  I tried to explain what it's like, and they sort of got it, but since they let me do a lot of the planning I wanted to take them.

Heh, goodness, the reactions they all had as we crossed the first time!  There's a little adrenaline rush, all the energy of the people around you heading in crazy directions.  My Mom wanted to cross several times, so I'm not sure how many times we did cross.  Not too many times, but a few, and we laughed each time.

We wanted to see the crossing from a vintage point, because they exist, and we saw an above walkway, but couldn't figure out how to get to it.  We went into one building, went up several flights, one dead end after another, and then realized the time and decided to head back to the hotel unsuccessful.  Heh, this then led to the two plus hour escapade where we got on the wrong train twice, which I already blogged about.

Shibuya is a really fun place to visit.  On this trip we stuck to the crossing as we ran out of time and wanted to get back before train lines start shutting down.  The previous trip Michael, Krista, and I went into stores, ate at a steak restaurant where you stand the whole time with giant bibs, and found the coolest Disney store.  Disney stores in Japan are so cool and have completely different, unique inventory.

 They were amazed.

 Oh man, new bucket list item!!!!   Okay, this was the first time I'd seen these go-karts going about Tokyo.  We were like, "Are people really allowed to drive go-karts?! That's so cool!!"  Sure enough I get back to the States and suddenly little videos start popping up on Facebook about it... freaky.  But apparently you can ride go-karts, Mario Kart style, through both Tokyo and Osaka.  And now I really need to do this.  I want to return to Japan so bad.  Writing this blog post isn't helping.  But go-karting through Japan just seems amazing.

 Celebrating Hachi, the faithful dog.  It's a really cool story worth looking up.

 And if you read the story about our crazy train experience, this is us finally getting to the right spot after frustration and worry.  Oh man, I guess you haven't fully experienced Japan until you've realized you're on the wrong train at least once.  Just happy we got it worked out.

 Finally on the right train.  I do not look amused. :P


I love the Tokyo Disney parks!!!!!!!!

Now I'm like... :\ I need to visit again.

Happily back at the hotel.

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