Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Little Boost from Dr. Seuss

I just got back from Costco.  Food shopping, but I found this little jewel from Dr. Seuss: "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"  For some reason I've never read it.  My brother got a copy as a gift when he graduated from college.
Apparently this book is a popular graduation gift.  I thought I heard somewhere that he gave this as a graduation speech once, but I can't find any indication of this.  Instead I found that this is the last book he wrote and was published while he was alive, when he was battling cancer.

Everyone should read it at least once, regardless of where you are in life.  You can start fresh at any point.  But also, this book deals with the dark, lonely times of life as well, which we all pass.  I read this book while in the book section of Costco, and I fought tears as the message touched my soul, finding hope in the message.

So if you're starting a new path, or a little lost on the path you're on, or even if you feel fine in your direction, finding this book to read is always a good idea.  It's a nice reminder.

Also, a little random, did you know the term Nerd is credited to Dr. Seuss?  He wrote the word in the book If I Ran the Zoo.  Though I just finished reading a little debate on where the term Nerd comes from, if it is Dr. Seuss, or simply sprung up around the same time by coincidence.  Geek, originally, was a circus performer who bites off the heads of chickens.  Seriously.  I used to think of myself as more of a geek, but I have a visual thinking memory, and now I just see headless chickens, and it's not a pleasant image.  Though I do like to call my decorating style as "girly geeky chic," because "girly nerdy chic" doesn't sound as good.

Heh, okay, off tangent.

I truly recommend "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" if you haven't read it.  Read it at a book store or library if that's you're option.  This book is really a gem.  And Dr. Seuss is truly a genius.   A creative giant.

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