Friday, October 25, 2019

Shutterfly Has Taken Over My Life!!

Shutterfly has taken over my life!!  And it's not even a little bit, it's full on.

Some of these projects are for Christmas gifts.  And some of the books I'm making is simply because I can't keep putting off making travel and other family books.  Picture files get lost, damage, etc.  So for the last couple weeks I've been sorting through pictures and putting projects together.

My last UK trip alone had over 10,000 pictures I had to sort through.  A part of it is my fault!  I have very bad picture taking habits, which I inherited from my Mom because she does the same thing.  We take several shots of a single item or scene, the camera pointed in micro angles per shot, so I have to go through each micro angle shot to pick the right image with the right framing.  It's so annoying!  I spend most of my time going through pictures being irritated with myself. :P  Ah man.  But I've been reliving so many great times that it's worth it.

And I've just started going through April's Tokyo trip pictures.  When Steven and Ty got their photos to me they were nice enough to pre-sort them.  Very appreciated.  Then I found and transferred my and my Mom's photos . . . over 7,000. -_-;;

I still need to make the books even if I can't order them in the next few months.  Just make them and wait for when I can buy them.  Turn digital photos into physical reminders.  It will all be worth it.  And as a bonus I'm finally going through all the photos! Yay! Heh. I'm just "blah" right now about it.  I enjoy it, but it gets a little dull.  I've been listening to a lot of stuff, mainly working through the Harry Potter books.  I want to revisit the last book before I turn 38, so I can experience the scenes at the same age as Lupin and Snape.  I'm finishing up the 4th book and I'm older, and it's soooo weird.

So my Shutterfly projects is why I haven't blogged this week, but I'm also getting material to write about, so it's not all in vain.  Sorting through photos takes a lot of time.

I'm going to be so happy when I'm all caught up!!


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