Wednesday, August 28, 2019

I Actually Got Taller in the Last Decade!

For the longest time I thought I was 5 foot 5 and a half something.  The Summer between the 7th and 8th grade I got my full height, growing about 6 inches which caused a few problems, and stayed that way at least through my 20's.  A couple times last decade I checked my height at the doctors, sure enough 5'5'' or so, and the doctors office is a pretty reliable measurement.

These last few years my Mom and a couple other family members started telling me they thought I had to be taller than 5'5 1/2''.  Family photos seemed to indicate this, but I didn't think much of it.  How many of us really know how tall we are?  And height changes, usually towards growing shorter.

When leaving a bank a few months ago I noticed that there was a height measuring marker by the exit door, probably to determine the height of bank robbers.  I stood next to it, seemed a little taller than 5'6'', and chalked it up to the door frame being wrong.

Last week my Mom and I took my Grandma to the doctors, which turned out to be a good thing because she had pneumonia, but I saw their height measuring wall thing (does it have a specific name?) and decided to check my height again, making it official.  5'6''!  A little over 5'6''!  The bank doesn't lie.  I have a great uncle, one of my Grandma A's brothers, who went from 6'3'' to 6'4'' in his 30's, so maybe it's hereditary?  A half inch or so is really all I've gained, but it's still something!

So that's fun.

In other news I managed to drive a mile on a flat tire last week, realized it was flat, and then drove another mile to a tire place to have it looked at, holding my breath the whole time!  Life and its oddities.

And I managed to step on a tiny fractured glass piece for the second time in a few months.  A little sliver, walked on it for five minutes while cleaning the floor before trying to get it out. -_-;;  Lesson of the story?  Just because you think an area has been completely cleaned of broken glass, don't assume it has.  But then we shouldn't live in fear.  Ah, well, it's better I found that tiny shard instead of one of the little ones over for a visit.  Taking one for the team.

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