Monday, June 9, 2014

Best Fortune Cookie Ever

The year was around 2008-ish.  At least that's what I remember.  That's the problem with memories.  They're  blurred and sometimes hazy.  Only the punchline is clearly defined, such is the case here.

My Mom and I were getting ready to head towards California, car packed, running late for whatever reason, bracing for the 13 hour drive.  We decided to join my Dad for lunch at the Provo Town mall during his break.

We all had Panda Express, and as the American costume goes, we took turns opening our fortune cookies by meals end and read them each out loud.

"You are heading for a land of Sunshine and Relaxation."

When I read my fortune I burst out laughing.

For once my fortune spoke truth!

The California coast is definitely sunny and relaxing.

This is a story I've told several times, but forgot the exact wording of said fortune.  During dinner tonight we had a variety of Panda Express and KFC, satisfying my families different likes.  My Grandma got the fortune pictured above, the same one I got many years ago.  Unfortunately she isn't heading towards California, but we are heading into Summer, so that counts, too.

My fortune tonight said something about, "Soon being showered with good luck."  My Dad said I need a shower. -_-;;.  Regardless, I'll take all the good luck I can get! 

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